Special offers

Special offers in ship modelling

Welcome to our category for special offers in ship modelling! Here you will find a first-class selection of model ships and accessories at unbeatable prices. Our aim is to offer you not only an extensive range, but also exceptional discounts and special offers. Whether you are just starting out in modelling or are already an experienced modeller, you will always find new treasures for your hobby in our special offers.

Why it's worth taking a look at this category:

- High-quality models at best prices: Benefit from greatly reduced prices on high-quality model ships, accessories and tools.
- Wide selection: From historic sailing ships to modern yachts and detailed warships - our special offers cover all areas of model shipbuilding.
- Exclusive discounts: Discover limited-time discounts and special offers that you will only find in this category.
- Constantly new offers: Our range is updated regularly, so it's always worth checking back.

 Browse through our special offers and secure your favourite models at particularly attractive conditions. Whether you want to expand your collection or start a new project - you will always find the right offer with us. Have fun saving and building!


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Special offers in ship modelling Welcome to our category for special offers in ship modelling! Here you will find a first-class selection of model ships and accessories at unbeatable prices. Our aim is to offer you not only an extensive range, but also exceptional discounts and special offers. Whether you are just starting out in modelling or are already an experienced modeller, you will... read more »
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Special offers in ship modelling

Welcome to our category for special offers in ship modelling! Here you will find a first-class selection of model ships and accessories at unbeatable prices. Our aim is to offer you not only an extensive range, but also exceptional discounts and special offers. Whether you are just starting out in modelling or are already an experienced modeller, you will always find new treasures for your hobby in our special offers.

Why it's worth taking a look at this category:

- High-quality models at best prices: Benefit from greatly reduced prices on high-quality model ships, accessories and tools.
- Wide selection: From historic sailing ships to modern yachts and detailed warships - our special offers cover all areas of model shipbuilding.
- Exclusive discounts: Discover limited-time discounts and special offers that you will only find in this category.
- Constantly new offers: Our range is updated regularly, so it's always worth checking back.

 Browse through our special offers and secure your favourite models at particularly attractive conditions. Whether you want to expand your collection or start a new project - you will always find the right offer with us. Have fun saving and building!


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Nautik Beginner Set
Nautik Beginner Set
5 Kanal 2.4GHz Fernsteuerung FHSS, Frequenzhopping über bis zu 75 Kanäle 4 Knüppelmodes (MODE 1, MODE 2, MODE 3, MODE 4)
95.95€ * 89.00€ *
Mounting Triangles
Mounting Triangles
Mounting triangles set , Helling replacement The triangles can always be used when the angle of 90 degrees must be mounted. When assembling frames, deck superstructures and many things more. So inaccuracies due to wrong angles can be greatly minimized and the whole model will be dimensionally accurate from the ground up. The edge of...
19.90€ * 15.90€ *
Viking Longboat "Viking"
Viking Longboat "Viking"
designed for beginners
59.90€ * 49.95€ *
Galeon "San Francisco II" Kit
Galeon "San Francisco II" Kit
wooden model kit of this Spanish galleon includes a DVD with the best multimedia instructions with video tutorials
159.90€ * 139.95€ *
Tug Boat Atlantic
Tug Boat Atlantic
Wooden and Plastic Model Ship Kit TugBoat Atlantic Ready to convert it into R / C model!
299.00€ * 269.00€ *
French Line Ship Soleil Royal Kit
French Line Ship Soleil Royal Kit
Now, you can build this majestic 1/72 scale ship model with the new Soleil Royal naval modeling kit from Artesanía Latina. Pay attention to all of its contents below and you won't be able to resist building your wooden model. SOLEIL ROYAL 1/72 WOODEN SHIP MODEL KIT: SPECTACULAR ARTWORK The new wooden ship model kit of the French...
759.00€ * 699.00€ *
Flag Ship Santisima Trinidad M 1:84
Flag Ship Santisima Trinidad M 1:84
The Santisima Trinidad (officially Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad) was a Spanish ship with initially 120 guns, which were later increased to 144. It was the largest ship of its time, which is why it was nicknamed El Escorial de los Mares, and was one of the few ships of the line with four bridges that existed. Nevertheless, it...
739.00€ * 699.00€ *
Cutter Case Set
Cutter Case Set
Cutter knife set with storage box and 6 interchangeable blades. High-quality knife handle with anti-slip rubber in the finger area and aluminium handle. Also suitable for stronger hands. The knife sits comfortably in the hand and allows sensitive and precise work on the workpiece. The blade change mechanism can accommodate blades with...
11.95€ * 9.00€ *
Kit Riva Aquarama
Kit Riva Aquarama
Amati Riva Aquarama Bausatz RC Modell Schiff Baukasten aus Holz in Spantbauweise. Zum Fahrmodell ausbaubar. Mahagoni Sportboot zum selber bauen . überarbeitete Version 2015 !
469.00€ * 429.00€ *
Caravel "Santa Maria" Kit
Caravel "Santa Maria" Kit
The Santa Maria, together with the Pinta and Nina, is famous the world over for its part in Columbus's discovery of the New World on 12th October 1492.ARTESANIA LATINA wanted to participate in the commemoration of Columbus's discovery, and what
149.90€ * 126.50€ *
Mini Screwdriver
Mini Screwdriver
Mini Schraubendreher mit Wechselklinge. Kleiner Schlitz und #00 Philips Bit werden mitgeliefert. Kleinere Bohrer lassen sich auch einspannen.
11.70€ * 6.70€ *
Privateer Ship "Rattlesnake"
Privateer Ship "Rattlesnake"
Privateer Ship "Rattlesnake" Mamoli ship model kit
269.95€ * 249.95€ *
Fernsteuerung MZ-18 Hott 9 Kanal Sender
Fernsteuerung MZ-18 Hott 9 Kanal Sender
Graupner mz-18 HoTT Fernsteuerung (9-Kanal) S1005.77 Die Graupner Fernsteuerung mz-18 mit 9 Kanälen ist der perfekte Sender für nahezu alle Flugmodelle. Der Sender eignet sich besonders für fortgeschrittene RC-Piloten. Die bewährte Graupner 2,4 GHz HoTT-Technologie garantiert störungs- und verzögerungsfreie Übertragung, auch über hohe...
399.00€ * 299.00€ *
Ford F450 Truck Candy Apple Red 4WD 1/10 RTR
Ford F450 Truck Candy Apple Red 4WD 1/10 RTR
Ford F450 RC Car komplett mit Fernsteuerung
419.95€ * 349.00€ *
remote control mc-28 HoTT
remote control mc-28 HoTT
The Graupner remote control mc-28 HoTT is a console transmitter for the advanced model sportsman. The mc-28 is suitable for almost all models and offers features that are also suitable for functional model builders on land and on water. 16 control functions, 120 internal model memories, integrated telemetry and voice output, as well as...
995.00€ * 899.00€ *
Hyper 10 Short Course Brushless RTR 1:10
Hyper 10 Short Course Brushless RTR 1:10
Mit dem Short Course Truck Hyper 10SCE im Maßstab 1/10 werden Sie zum Jäger auf der Piste. Das Leichtgewicht ist bestens motorisiert und beschleunigt wieselflink aus jeder Kurve. Als RTR (Ready to Race) Ausführung sind sie im Nu rennbereit. Werkseitig vormontiert mit eingebauter Elektronik, auch die Karosserie ist bereits passgenau...
378.00€ * 299.00€ *
BattAir Plugin 3-4S
BattAir Plugin 3-4S
Battery management plug-in for LiXX batteries with 3-4S. With the external balancer connection, any ordinary LiPo battery can be upgraded to an intelligent smart battery at minimal cost. All relevant data from the battery at the touch of a button on your mobile phone. The module is connected to the balancer port of the battery and...
4.95€ * 3.95€ *
Tandem XE 868Mhz/2.4Ghz Fernsteuerung
Tandem XE 868Mhz/2.4Ghz Fernsteuerung
FrSky Tandem XE Set mit Koffer satte 24 Kanäle auf zwei Frequenzen und unglaublich viele Schalter/Regler/Taster. Wenn Sie in eine neue RC Fernsteueranlage investieren dann ein sollten Sie sich für eine Anlage mit ausreichend Funktionen und neuester Technologie entscheiden. Das 868Mhz Band funktioniert sogar in einer akzeptablen...
749.90€ * 729.00€ *
HMS Victory 1:150
HMS Victory 1:150
HMS Victory kit in 1:150 scale from Mamoli Lord Nelson's flagship during his victory at the Battle of Trafalgar A ship of the first rank with 104 guns, launched in Chatham in 1765. It was in service for a long time under the command of famous admirals. Her name is forever associated with Lord Nelson's ship at the Battle of...
299.00€ * 289.00€ *
Spanish galleon San Felipe
Spanish galleon San Felipe
Spanish galleon San Felipe Relive the age of seafaring: The OcCre San Felipe model is not just a modelling set - it is an immersion in maritime history. This model offers a unique experience that combines historical accuracy with the satisfaction of building a detailed replica of one of the most legendary ships. Perfect for modelling...
429.00€ * 398.40€ *
Mini Dasher Monster Truck Brushed 4WD 1/14 RTR
Mini Dasher Monster Truck Brushed 4WD 1/14 RTR
MODSTER Mini Dasher Monster Truck Brushed 4WD 1/14 RTR RC-Action auf komplett neue Art und Weise! Dieser Truck im Maßstab 1:14 kann Spitzengeschwindigkeiten von fast 60km/h erreichen. Und das nicht nur auf der Straße, sondern genauso auf dem Gelände! Der 4WD Truck mit 550er Motor, wird mit einem 7,4V Lilonen-Akku angefeuert. Für die...
138.00€ * 129.95€ *
Metal Colours Set
Metal Colours Set
Colours set - metals A set consisting of 8 bottles of metal colours -Gunmetal Blue -Brass -Gunmetal Grey -Old Gold -Gold -Silver -Bronze -Copper Ageing resistant, lightfast with the highest pigment concentration are the qualities that Vallejo Model Color paints have to offer. In a water-based acrylic formula, specially developed for...
Content 136 Milliliter (15.81€ * / 100 Milliliter)
26.90€ * 21.50€ *
Ford F450 Truck Mercury Silver 4WD 1/10 RTR
Ford F450 Truck Mercury Silver 4WD 1/10 RTR
Ford F450 SD 4WD 1/10 RTR Es ist Zeit für ein absolut neues Fahrgefühl. Der F-450 Custom von CEN Racing ist eine Nachbildung des gleichnamigen megastarken Modells. Grund dafür ist sein besonderes Design, das eine große Traglast inklusive Anhängerkupplung bietet. Das RC-Modell im Maßstab 1:10 steht dem in nichts nach. Realistische...
419.95€ * 349.00€ *
Battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) "Mighty Mo"
Battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) "Mighty Mo"
USS Missouri (BB-63) The USS Missouri (BB-63), also known as the ‘Mighty Mo’, is a legendary Iowa-class battleship that entered service in 1944 during the Second World War. She took part in decisive battles in the Pacific, including Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and became a symbol of US military power. The Missouri became particularly famous...
749.00€ * 695.00€ *
Boeier Dutch yacht around 1714
Boeier Dutch yacht around 1714
Boeier Dutch yacht around 1714 The Dutch Boeier is a traditional Dutch sailing ship that can look back on a long history and is considered a symbol of Dutch maritime culture. The development of the Boeier probably began in the 16th century and was closely linked to the transport and trade requirements of the time on the Dutch inland...
229.00€ * 219.00€ *
Mad Van Purple 4WD 1:10 RTR Set
Mad Van Purple 4WD 1:10 RTR Set
Das witzige MAD VAN-Modell von Kyosho wurde nach dem Vorbild eines amerikanischen Full-Size-Vans entworfen und kombiniert Retro-Karosseriestyling mit einem leichten und sportlichen Chassis für puren R/C-Genuss. Das einfache Design des FZ02L-BT-Chassis verwendet weniger Teile für eine einfache Wartung und liefert Stärke und Steifigkeit...
299.00€ * 229.95€ *
Optima Mid 4WD 1:10 Bausatz
Optima Mid 4WD 1:10 Bausatz
Der Urvater der modernen Rennbuggys. Blitzschnelle WM-Debütmaschine kehrt zurück! Der Optima Mid ist bekannt für sein brillantes Debüt bei der 2. Weltmeisterschaft für elektrische Geländewagen in England 1987, wo der Prototyp 5 von 10 Qualifikationen im A-Main-Finale belegte und den zweiten Platz belegte. Das Chassis-Layout von Optima...
429.95€ * 339.95€ *
FS-ST8 Digi Prop Radio Control System
FS-ST8 Digi Prop Radio Control System
Flysky FS-ST8 remote control with 8-10 channels FS-ST8 upgrade version with 8 channel receiver. The ST8 transmitter from FlySky will quickly become your new best friend when controlling RC models. Through the countless possibilities, the remote control can be optimally set up to your own needs. A built-in STM32 chip of the new G series...
99.90€ * 89.95€ *
Predator Crawler 4WD 1:10 RTR
Predator Crawler 4WD 1:10 RTR
MODSTER Predator - A multifunctional crawler in a class of its own! The Predator always convinces everywhere - difficult terrain, steep slopes or rain - no problem at all! But that doesn't just apply to the engine power, the 2-speed gearbox and the all-wheel drive! Thanks to the lightweight but very stable chassis and aluminium...
259.90€ * 239.99€ *
Desert Rookie Monster Truck 4WD 1/18 RTR
Desert Rookie Monster Truck 4WD 1/18 RTR
robustes Einsteiger Modell, komplett mit Steuerung und LED Beleuchtung !
79.90€ * 74.99€ *
DASHER V2 4WD Brushless Monstertruck 1:8 RTR
DASHER V2 4WD Brushless Monstertruck 1:8 RTR
MODSTER DASHER V2 Brushless Monstertruck RTR 4WD 1:8 Experience extreme brushless power! The model is equipped with a 2230kV brushless motor and has an SC8 RTR speed controller. This drive accelerates the model up to 60 km/h in no time at all. With this 4x4 monster truck, merciless power and resilience meet optimised robustness. The...
329.00€ * 299.00€ *
Evolution X Monster Truck Brushless 4WD 1/10 RTR
Evolution X Monster Truck Brushless 4WD 1/10 RTR
MODSTER Evolution X Monster Truck Brushless 4WD 1/10 RTR Modster Evolution X Brushless - Familiar design meets new chassis The Modster Evolution X Brushless 1/10 Monster Truck combines the proven design of a classic monster truck with a new, innovative chassis designed for maximum performance and driving pleasure. This truck is the...
259.90€ * 219.90€ *
Elbehafen 1 tugboat/icebreaker
Elbehafen 1 tugboat/icebreaker
Elbehafen I RC wooden model kit in 1:50 scale The tugboat Elbehafen 1 was built in 1971 and initially served in Brunsbüttel. Originally stationed at Brunsbüttel Elbehafen, which is part of a group of ports strategically located on the Lower Elbe and Kiel Canal, the tugboat has become an important part of the region's maritime...
244.90€ * 224.95€ *
SandMaster V2. - gelb- M1:10 RTR
SandMaster V2. - gelb- M1:10 RTR
SandMaster 2.0 M 1:10 RTR Gelb Einfach zu fahren und zu warten Dies ist der definitive 2WD-Buggy! Die Leistung und die Kontrolle des Sand Master 2.0 aus der EZ-Serie sorgen für ein exzellentes Fahrverhalten bei aufregenden Fahrten im Gelände und auf der Straße. Mit seinen 2,4-GHz-R/C-Spezifikationen macht die automatische...
169.00€ * 149.00€ *
MANIAC Hyper GO Fury Pro 1/16 RTR grey
MANIAC Hyper GO Fury Pro 1/16 RTR grey
MANIAC Hyper GO Fury Pro - Ultimate brushless power with top speed Experience unlimited driving fun with the MANIAC Fury Pro Brushless Monster Truck! This powerful 1:16 scale RC truck is perfect for real off-road fans. With a breathtaking top speed of up to 45km/h and an extremely robust honeycomb-reinforced chassis, the MANIAC Fury...
119.95€ * 109.50€ *
USA-1 4WD Monster Truck 1.8 RTR
USA-1 4WD Monster Truck 1.8 RTR
Der originale elektrische USA-1 war der beliebteste Monster Truck in der Geschichte von Kyosho ... 30 Jahre später kommt eine völlig neue Version des USA-1 mit mehr maßstabsgetreuen Details, wahnsinnig mehr Leistung, mehr Haltbarkeit und einer dynamischeren Federung. Das ist eine echte Revolution! Der in den USA geborene Monster Truck...
699.00€ * 589.00€ *
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